the bellefit :: a postpartum necessity

Hi friends!  I’m back from the land of spit-up and baby poop with an adorable new accessory:

The “fourth-trimester” postpartum period has been an interesting experience, to say the least.  Bo apparently has something against Anthropologie, as he demonstrates an uncanny ability to project his vomit, pee, and poop onto ONLY my fave Anthro finds.


For my first post back, I wanted to share a new favorite product with all you pregnant and postpartum fashionistas.  And when I say favorite, what I really mean is that I may or may not want to marry it.  It’s called the Bellefit, and if you have had a baby in the last 6 months, you need to be wearing it.  Like, NOW.


The Bellefit is basically a girdle/compression garment that you wear as much as possible (and for as long as possible) to shrink that baby belly into nothingness. It also helps new moms whose abdominal muscles have separated during pregnancy.  And I’m pretty sure that it promotes world peace somehow.


It’s a little reminiscent of the early 90’s bodysuit, because it fastens at the crotch.

(Also, I vote that the word “crotch” be permanently removed from the English language.)

It’s somewhat pricey.

Here are the pros:

It will make your baby belly disappear.

Need I say more? No.  I need not.

Now, I know some of  y’all are already not believing me, you little doubters, you.  So, I am going to provide you with proof, by way of a belly shot that may or may not be me.

(Okay, fine.  It’s me.  Not exactly the poster child for a “Flat Abs” campaign, but I birthed a baby a week before this picture was taken.  Don’t judge.)

(I also made sure to crop out my unbrushed hair and the massive bags under my eyes.  You’re welcome.)


You know I’m excited about this product based solely on the fact that I just posted a selfie of my stomach.  ON THE INTERNET.

In closing, here are the facts, ladies:

Fact 1:  I am one week postpartum in the picture.

Fact 2:  I had been wearing my Bellefit constantly since the day I got home from the hospital.

Fact 3:  My diet at the time was made up of basically chocolate, dessert, and coffee.

Fact 4:  I will probably wear my Bellefit forever.

If you’ve just had a baby, are currently pregnant, or have even had a passing thought about one day having a baby, go buy this product immediately!

(And I promise to never again post a stomach selfie. Because that’s how much I love you, readers.)

Until next time,

sherri sig-01



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