
faux fur + aloncii

outfit details :: sweater // tee (similar) // necklace (love this one) // jeans // crossbody // earrings // booties JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. Photos by Kate Davis Photography Faux fur has been trending for several seasons now and can be…

fur scarves

Faux fur is everywhere this winter and one of my favorite fur additions for your wardrobe is with a scarf.  They are warm, cozy, and add the perfect amount of texture to any outfit.  I came across this Target faux fur gem a few weeks ago while trying to stay focused…

faux real

A trend that took me a little while to get used was the faux fur trend.  Honestly, it scared me a little.  Finding an affordable option that didn’t look like Chewbacca’s offspring was challenging. But I’m a slave to fashion, and of course the moment I found this vest from…