
one top :: two ways

Happy Tuesday, y’all!  The other day, I was just minding my own business, when I accidentally (on purpose) stumbled upon this top in Anthropologie.  I immediately began justifying it’s cost, because of the multiple ways I can wear it. (Cost per wear = low-ish. #girlmath) Since I’m all about rationalizing…

winter blooms

Winter is such a mixed bag of emotions.  The sun can’t seem to make regular appearances.  Snow refuses to stick around long enough for a fun snow day.  Your kids fight you to wear winter appropriate clothes.  And your favorite sweat pants have a hole in them because it’s the…

pilcro love

I’ve talked about my love of Pilcro cords several times here on the blog. Recently, I have become a huge new fan Pilcro denim and wonder why I haven’t owned these jeans sooner! {Be sure to read to the end of this post to find out how you can win a pair…

the mullet concept

Now, before you get nervous, horrified, or excited (what’s wrong with you?), mullets are not in.  DO NOT START PREPPING YOUR HAIR FOR A RETRO MULLET.  The Edit girls in no way condone mullets, nor will we ever be rocking them. I hope. (Mullet parties, on the other hand, are…

sneakin’ around

I’m typically not a “jeans and tennis shoes” kind of gal, but all the cute, vintage-inspired sneakers currently out inspired me to try out the look. As an on-the-go mom of two, this type of ensemble is practical and crazy comfortable, and something I am excited to wear on a more regular…

hats off

I have a running joke with my girlfriends that I cannot wear hats.  I’ve tried them in every shape, size, style, color, and I just can’t take myself seriously in them.  But let’s face the facts…it’s freezing.  With temps last week in the single digits, a hat is a necessity…

black denim

Confession :: I didn’t own a pair of black jeans until last month. {Insert gasp.} I’ve had black jeans in season’s past that have been edited out of my closet over the years, but I haven’t owned or worn a pair for a solid year. I have black leggings, black leather pants…

shop your closet

The first of the year is always a time of reflection.  We look at our eating habits, our spiritual road map, our relationships, and of course our overspending ways.  After several weeks of buy buy buy, we use the month of January to reset our clocks and make a fresh start…

wearing on repeat

I thought it would be fun to take a look back at my Instagram feed from 2014 to see what items in my closet I wore on repeat. I narrowed down the the eight pieces I wore the most last year {and predict I’ll be wearing a ton this year, too}. If…