
swimsuits, coverups + a giveaway

If you’ve been following me here on the blog or over on Instagram the past few months, you know I am a big fan of a online swimwear boutique called Wala Swim. I love Wala Swim for so many reasons, including its selection of unique, quality, super-flattering suits, in a…

covered up

c/o wala swim tunic | c/o wala swim sandals | c/o wala swim bathing suit | anthropologie hat | ray ban sunglasses | photos by amanda pulley How fab is this Wala Swim Tunic? When it comes to swim coverups, I am all about a transitional piece that can take…

wala swim

I don’t think I’ve met a woman who can’t relate to the woes of swimsuit shopping. In the business of personal styling that I am in, I know this concern all to well! As soon as the weather turns warm and Summer approaches each year, I get countless calls, texts…