
How to wear a Spring dress in February

dress ANTHROPOLOGIE | tote c/o LIVE FASHIONABLE | booties c/o SOLE SOCIETY, another similar pair here | similar scarf here and here | sunglasses LE SPECS | bangles KENDRA SCOTT | ring KENDRA SCOTT  JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. It’s no surprise…

in bloom

anthropologie dress | c/o gigi new york dress | c/o vionic shoes | c/o kendra scott cuff | c/o kendra scott earrings | photography by amanda pulley | hair by sassoon salon atlanta JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. Florals are trending in…

show your stripes

c/o romper, now on sale! {I am wearing an XS.} // heels, another similar option here // sunglasses // similar earrings // bracelet // c/o handbag, 25% off for a limited time! // lipstick, “girl about town” // photography by heidi geldhauser // hair by velvet salon Clearly I cannot get…

the loveliest tote

Sundresses and tote bags…two of my favorite things to wear and carry for summer. Maybe because they both feel and look so effortless?! I’ve been admiring this absolutely lovely monogrammed leather tote by Gigi New York for some time now. And now I am wondering how I ever lived without…

spring color

Like I said on Tuesday’s post, I am seriously craving SPRING and COLOR these days, as I am sure most all of you are, too! Here are some very seasonally appropriate ways to incorporate bright color into your wardobe right now, even on the chilly days that are hanging around……